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Theories and applications in Geomathematics
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Theories and applications in Geomathematics

Eredeti ár: 3.500 Ft
3.325 Ft
Online kedvezmény: -5%

The „Epilogue” of the „New Horizons in Central European Geomathematics, Geostatistics and Geoinformatics” published by GeoLitera in 2011 is closed by the following sentence: „We hope, that this is only the beginning of a new series that will be followed by many others in the future.” In fact, this hope has become reality, as it is demonstrated by this volume which contains selected papers presented within the framework of the 4th Hungarian Croatian and the 16th Hungarian Geomathematical Convent, hosted by the city of Opatija (Croatia).


The „Epilogue” of the „New Horizons in Central European Geomathematics, Geostatistics and Geoinformatics” published by GeoLitera in 2011 is closed by the following sentence: „We hope, that this is only the beginning of a new series that will be followed by many others in the future.” In fact, this hope has become reality, as it is demonstrated by this volume which contains selected papers presented within the framework of the 4th Hungarian Croatian and the 16th Hungarian Geomathematical Convent, hosted by the city of Opatija (Croatia).

Four years ago, in 2008, the Division of Geomathematics of the Croatian Geological Society agreed to organize joint meetings with its Hungarian counterpart. Since that time it has been a success story. The actual (4th joint convention) has a special importance, since this is the very first time, when this convent is organized outside of Hungary with the hospitality of the Croatian counterpart.

The meeting organized during the early summer of 2012 hosted 21 oral, 7 poster presentations along with the 5 lectures demonstrate the research activity of the members of IAMG Student Chapter, Szeged. The topics range from theoretical approaches through reservoir modeling and methods used in nuclear remediation as well as the most recent innovations of geoinformatical investigations. Authors listed range from employees of major oil industries of Croatia and Hungary (INA, Industrije Nafte, Croatia, MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Public Limited Company), representatives of the Lybian Petroleum Institute, as well as Universities (University of Zagreb, University of Szeged, Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, and University of Beograd), National Geological Surveys, and the Eötvös Lóránd Geophysical Institute, Hungary.

Hopefully, this volume will not only help popularize the use of mathematical, and statistical approaches among geo-professionals of the region, will promote further fruitful collaboration, as well. Finally we would like to express our gratitude to those persons and institutes who contribute to editing and publishing of this work. Especially, to all reviewers for their conscientious, selfless, and very effective help. Andrea Wágenhoffer had the responsibility for all correspondence between the Editorial Board, the publisher and the reviewers as well as authors. Here work is kindly acknowledged here. The outstanding presentation of the volume is the result of the tedious, meticulous work of the GeoLitera Publishing House for which we are indebted. Finally, the kind financial support of the MOL-Hungary Plc, INA, and Institute of Geosciences, University of Szeged is also acknowledged.

János Geiger – Elemér Pál-Molnár – Tomislav Malvić

SZTE TTIK Földrajzi és Földtani Tanszékcsoport, 2013.


Szerkesztette: János Geiger – Elemér Pál-Molnár – Tomislav Malvić

Írta: Berging Khalid, Balogh Miklós, Cvetković Marko, Dinka Mária, Drazenko Nenadic, Dragana Petrovic, Geiger János, Gulyás Sándor, Győry László, Horváth Janina, Horvat Triplat Martina, Kutrucz Gyula, Kristóf Gergely, Lapaine Miljenko, Magyar Norbert, Mladenovic Ana, Nenadic Drazenko, Petrovic Dragana, Sanocki Mátyás, Sliman Omar, Sümegi Pál, Szalóki Zoltán, Trásy Balázs, Tóth Sándor, Ujhelyi Judit, Velic Josipa, Wágenhoffer Andrea


Sorozat GeoLitera
Szerző János Geiger – Elemér Pál-Molnár – Tomislav Malvić
Cím Theories and applications in Geomathematics
Alcím Selected studies of the 2012 Croatian-hungarian Feomathematical Convent, Opatija
Kiadó SZTE TTIK Földrajzi és Földtani Tanszékcsoport
Kiadás éve 2013
Terjedelem 168 oldal
Formátum B/5, keménytáblás
ISBN 978 963 306 235 7



Marko Cvetković, Josipa Velić: Lithology prediction by artificial neural networks and preparation of input data on Upper Miocene sediments

János Geiger, Judit Ujhelyi: Application of Bayes’ Theorem and entropy sets in the evaluation of uncertainty

Sándor Gulyás, Pál Sümegi, Zoltán Szalóki, Draženko Nenadić: Assessing the morphological variability of the invasive thermophylous asian clam (corbicula fluminalis müller 1774) from the pleistocene fluvial deposits of the carpathian basin using geometric morphometric techniques

László Győry, Gergely Kristóf, Miklós Balogh, János Geiger, Janina Horváth: I-core numerical rock and pore model

Janina Horváth: Characterisation of clastic sedimentary environments by clustering algorithm and several statistical approaches; two case studies (SouthEastern Hungary, Northern Croatia)

Martina Triplat Horvat, Miljenko Lapaine: Comparison of Bošković-Laplace’s Method with other Methods of Adjustment

Norbert Magyar, Balázs Trásy, Gyula Kutrucz, Mária Dinka: Delineating water bodies on the Hungarian side of Lake Fertő/Neusiedler See

Ana Mladenović, Dragana Petrović: Correaltion of different types of spatial data to define neotectonic active faults in the čačak–kraljevo basin (western Serbia)

Omar Sliman, Khalid Bergig: Impact of natural fracture characteristics on the permeability porosity relationship of the Nubian sandstones, southeast Sirt basin, Libya

Mátyás Sanocki, Sándor Tóth: Geostatistical modelling of turbidic rock bodies in the Hungarian part of the Pannonian basin system, the Szolnok formation

Andrea Wágenhoffer: 3d facies analysis with combination of classic and stochastic sedimentological approach