Geothermal energy is widely known for its reliable, weather-independent and renewable nature, which is commonly used in many countries all over the world for power generation purposes and direct heat applications as well. At the same time, it generates significant socio-economic and environmental benefits when compared to other energy sources. Geothermal energy originates from the lithosphere and is efficiently transported by fluids of multiple kinds circulating within the Earth’s crust. Though geothermal energy (the heat of the Earth) is present everywhere in the crust, its most common methods of exploitation are limited to a relatively few sites where the heat carrier (i.e. geothermal fluid) is easy and cheap to access, has high enthalpy (specific energy) and is of great abundance – and even at these sites geothermal production has its share of technical and environmental bottlenecks. It is these issues that the Geothermal Communities project addressed, which, co-funded under FP7 was set out to demonstrate best available technologies in the use of geothermal energy. In addition to the demonstration element, the GeoCom project contained also a strong complementary component of research. Although current Hungarian legislation allows the surface disposal of used thermal water, reinjection is an excellent solution to avoid above-ground pollution and, in many cases the only way to maintain reservoir pressure. In turn, reinjection is among the highest risk-factors for geothermal operators. Scale formation and/or other precipitations and organic separations can occur in the area of the reinjection, impairing well-structure and formation-integrity. The studies published hereinafter give a comprehensive view of geothermal energy utilization for stakeholders and all those interested in the geothermal potential of Hungary and Central-Eastern Europe, with a focus on the research and development activities dedicated to the environmentally sound injection of thermal water. We hope to meet the needs of geothermal experts looking for reference in specific aspects of geothermal energy utilization as well as the more general public interested in getting a more general insight into what’s up to date in geothermal. For this reason we start out with the definition of basic concepts of hydrogeology and arrive at the state of the art in geothermal, specifically at the new technologies of injection into sandstone reservoirs. We hope that a book of this kind will appeal to a wide audience and will most certainly be useful for students of practical hydrogeology.
SZTE TTIK Földrajzi és Földtani Tanszékcsoport, 2015.
A kötet szerzői: Bajcsi Péter, Bába Péter, Bálint András, Bozsó Gábor, Bozsó Róbert, Bozsó Tamás, Czinkota Imre, Egyed Emőke, Gartner Dénes, Gyenese István, Kovács Balázs, Kóbor Balázs, Kurunczi Mihály, Medgyes Tamás, M. Tóth Tivadar, Osvald Máté, Papp Márton, Pál-Molnár Elemér, Prohászka András, Schubert Félix, Stipic Zoran, Szanyi János, Szongoth Gábor, Vass István
Szerkesztette: Szanyi János – Medgyes Tamás – Kóbor Balázs – Pál-Molnár Elemér
Sorozat | GeoLitera |
Szerző | Szanyi János – Medgyes Tamás – Kóbor Balázs – Pál-Molnár Elemér |
Cím | Technologies of injection into sandstone reservoirs |
Alcím | Best Practices, Case Studies |
Kiadó | SZTE TTIK Földrajzi és Földtani Tanszékcsoport |
Kiadás éve | 2015 |
Terjedelem | 156 oldal |
Formátum | B/5, keménytáblás |
ISBN | 978 963 306 370 5 |
1. Introduction
2. An overview of geothermal energy utilization
János Szanyi, Tamás Medgyes, Balázs Kóbor, Imre Czinkota, Zoran Stipic, István Vass, Máté Osvald, Elemér Pál-Molnár, Emőke Egyed
2.1. The history and origins of geothermal energy
2.1.1. The sources of geothermal energy, types of thermal convection
2.1.2. The fundamentals of groundwater movement
2.1.3. The history of utilization of geothermal energy in Hungary
2.2. The utilization of geothermal energy
2.2.1. General terms of energy and work
2.2.2. The conversion of thermal energy into another form of energy (Carnot cycle)
2.2.3. Electricity production through mechanical work
2.2.4. Direct heat utilization
2.2.5. Balneology
2.2.6. Utilization with heat pumps
2.2.7. The elements of geothermal systems
3. Methodological issues of thermal water reinjection
János Szanyi, Tamás Medgyes, Balázs Kóbor, Imre Czinkota, András Bálint, Máté Osvald, Péter Bába, Márton Papp
3.1. The theory of reinjection
3.1.1. International practices of reinjection
3.1.2 The advantages of reinjection
3.1.3. The most common problems of reinjection
3.1.4. The binding forces between the grains of the rock structure
3.1.5. Aqueous solutions – the thermal water to be reinjected
3.1.6. The boundary of the solid and fluid phases
3.1.7. Chemical reactions determining the composition of water
3.1.8. Chemical processes during reinjection
3.1.9. Biological processes during reinjection
3.1.10. A few important parameters of reinjection
3.2. Practical problems of reinjection
3.2.1. Technical issues of reinjection
3.2.2. Sustainability issues of reinjection
3.2.3. International practices of reinjection
4. Reinjection into sandstone in Hungary
János Szanyi, Tamás Medgyes, Gábor Bozsó, Imre Czinkota, András Bálint, Mihály Kurunczi, Gábor Szongoth, Dénes Gartner, András Prohászka, István Gyenese, Balázs Kovács, Tamás Bozsó, Róbert Bozsó, Péter Bajcsi, Tivadar M. Tóth, Félix Schubert
4.1. The hydrogeological features of the Carpathian Basin’s south-eastern region
4.1.1. Geological, hydrogeological conditions
4.1.2. The chemical composition of thermal waters and its importance in the utilization
4.2. Well logging
4.2.1. Construction of new thermal wells
4.2.2. Inspection of old wells
4.2.3. The inspection of unused thermal wells (dry hydrocarbon wells)
4.2.4. Exploration of well damages
4.2.5. Special problems of reinjection wells
4.2.6. Pumping tests
4.2.7. Measurement of operational parameters of thermal wells
4.3. The delimitation of cones of influence
4.3.1. Active and passive water resource protection
4.3.2. An overview of the hydraulic and thermal effect of geothermal systems
4.3.3. Definition of the hydrodynamic and thermal effects of geothermal systems
4.4. Case studies on establishment and operation
4.4.1. Principles of operation
4.4.2. The thermal system in Hódmezővásárhely
4.4.3. The thermal system in Makó
4.4.4. The system in Gyopárosfürdő
4.4.5. The Majsai geothermal greenhouse in Orosháza
4.4.6. Kurucsai geothermal greenhouse in Pálmonostora
4.4.7. Varga greenhouse in Tömörkény
4.4.8. The greenhouse of Fadominó Ltd. in Fülöpjakab
4.4.9. The thermal systems in Mórahalom
4.4.10. The geothermal district heating system of University of Szeged
4.5. Experimental research results
5. Suggested methodology for thermal water reinjection
János Szanyi, Balázs Kóbor, Tamás Medgyes, Emőke Egyed, András Bálint, Mihály Kurunczi, Máté Osvald
5.1. The reinjection plant
5.1.1. Construction principles of reinjection wells
5.1.2. Surface filtration, the filter prototype
5.1.3. The reinjection pump system
5.1.4. Buffer tank
5.2. The operation of the reinjection plant
5.3. The maintenance of the reinjection plant
5.4. Selection of reinjection well location